I'm really trying to survive in Salamanca, where is crambled with lots of foreiners who always use different languages from mine. (I'm a stranger totally to them, though, hehe) Frankly speaking, living in Spain as Korean is quite challenging. If it were in U.S. or English, I would be able to say that I had no difficulties in communicating or surviving there! But for my short spanish vocabulary, I feel sometimes frustration when I listen to the fast explanation of professor Isabel, and have to express what I really want to say. Perfectly memorized simple phrases are always a piece of cake, but problems happen to me succesively when I have to compose 'Impromptu'. Ah-!

Recently I make new friends here! Nationality is various: American, Brazilian, and Chinese(furthermore, they are all girls. why??) Although conversations with them are always short, I'm now satisfied with the simple fact that I could make communication with foreign friends speaking in Spanish! (Of course, if we feel the 'need' of the third language, we choose English or sometimes Chinese, hehe.)

Plus Korean friends. Among about 35 students from Seoul National University, I was alone because my majors are quite different from those of them. But now! things are changed! It is much more difficult to hang out with them than I expected because homeworks and things to be done are absolutely demanding. But I'll do it ya :(

Bye bye see ya~!

For the sake! Of the call!
